Info in English

Welcome to Värmland’s Genealogical Society. Most of our site is in Swedish. For more information in English, please try the Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies and look for Swedish Roots. Their site gives information about genealogy in all Sweden, not only a specific region.

A problem for foreign genealogists is our Swedish patronymics surname. Please read an article about them.

Where and what is Värmland? Read about it here.

We can’t organize any queries in this site or answer questions about specific persons. But we recommend The Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societis. Click here to find their ”researcher’s contact”.

You can, anyhow, send us questions via the president about the area, telephone numbers to organizations and so on. If we can, we will help you. Thank you for visiting our genealogy site.

The society was founded in 1983 for the purpose of supporting research in genealogy and local history in Värmland, and to unite all who share this interest. The society is a member of the Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societis.

Welcome to join us!

We are publishing a quarterly magazine called VärmlandsAnor. It’s all in Swedish, but you can obtain it by joining our society. For fees, please contact the president.

Our quarterly magazine has been published since 1984. Each issue has a number of stories in genealogy and local history, as well as book reviews. Two ancestral tables is also presented.

We organize meetings for genealogists in Värmland. Our society hosted the Swedish Genealogy Days in Karlstad in September 1999 and in August 2014 with the annual meeting of  the Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societis.

We have also published indexes for birth, marriage and death records for some parishes in Värmland, and more is under way.

You can download a map of Värmlands parishes here.